For those in Sec 3s, you will be learning more about Quadratic Graphs. Not so much of the drawing like in Sec 2s, but more of indepth understanding.
A quadratic graph typically is either a smiley face :) or a sad face :( some prefer to call them U or n shape.
Q1: Do you know how to tell the "mood" of the quadratic graph given its equation? Be very speific to ensure crystal clear understanding.
Eg :) or :(
Here are some important features of a quadratic graphs
- the turning point, either a max or a min point
- Equation of line of symmetry
Q2: Do you know that given a sketch of a quadratic graph with the x-intercepts indicated clearly, you can find
- the equation of the graph
- the equation of line of symmetry
- the co-ordinates of the turning point
By the way, co-ordinate is often referred to the "address" of a particular point. It looks like this : (x,y)
[...] Strategies. Thanks for visiting!I have discussed about Quadratic Equations and Graphs previously in Features of Quadratic Equations and Graphs , Different representations of quadratic equations and their [...]