If you are Secondary 3/4 student or RGS/RI/RVHS/Dunman High/NYGH/HCI/ACSI (or any other IP students), read on.
If right now, you are
- not understanding what is taught in school.
- losing momentum.
- not having any interest or motivation in A-Math or Chemistry.
- totally lost during lesson.
- consoling yourself that things will get better eventually (without no actions taken)
- You want to do better because you deserve it.
- You want to improve because you can't stand others looking down at you, adults' nagging at you ...
- You want to prove it to the rest of the world that you can do it.
- You want to get bettter grades so that you want more choices after your O levels/IP programmes.
All these will not be possible UNLESS ... ...
You start taking action NOW instead of waiting (Perhaps you can manage on your own? Wait for common test results and see how?)
Major Misconceptions:
- I can study the last minute for my Os ... (2-4 years of work for 6-9 subjects cramped in 1-2 months?) What happens when it backfires?
- There is still much time left for preparation of examinations. Is 8 months and counting down a long time?
- Teachers in school will give us extra lessons. You wouldn't want to wait till then. Start now & be consistent.
- O level examinations are much easier to score. What does it show when you consistently do not perform well in tests?
Just like pulling up of weeds, a gardener has to pull up the unwanted, useless plants consistently so that the crops are growing healthier in a plot of fertile soil. Imagine what happens when the gardener loses the momentum in maintaining the plot of land. Weeds are everywhere, overshadowing the crops which will eventually die off due to lack of essentials.
You are just like the gardener taking care of the plot of land by growing perhaps 6 - 9 different crops (Subjects). Weeds are your doubts, if unclear, they pile up till they overwhelmed you!
Clear your weeds consistently & be a happy gardener harvesting your returns in the end.
We have opened up MORE Sec3/4 A-Math/Chemistry Ultimate Leap Programme - The Weekly Coaching Programme.
To register, click here. Fill up the details, we will be in contact with you. Or you can contact us at 9685 7675 (Ai Ling) / 9828 7357 (Sean)
Hi Ailing,
Thank you for helping my daughter to achieve the grades that she desired. At the time when we were referred to you by a colleague of mine, Mabel's school math teacher was saying all kinds of negative remarks to my daughter that she is not good in maths. Left with few months, must work very hard and hope for miracle to at least get a pass.
We were desperate that time and when tuition centres reject her joining the existing class after knowing that she averaged about 35marks for A-Math all the while, we were lost.
Glad you took Mabel up and made her believed that she can do it (even that she have not done well in A-math before) through your coaching and on-going motivation.
She is very happy when she received her O Level results and with an A2 (from E8, F9 scores) and have join the JC that she always desire.
Not sure if you teach JC maths, i would love to place her under your care for JC maths. She said your lessons is different from her previous Math tutors and school teachers. She enjoyed your interesting ways of teaching. Please let me know.
By the way, i have recommended your service to my colleague. His son is Sec 3 this year, and seems to not do well in Math in Sec 2.
All the best!
June, Mother of Mabel
June: Thank you for your kind words :) It's my great honour to work with Mabel.
I have smsed Mabel that I am currently not teaching JC Math.
Take care,
Ai Ling