Plane geometry is one of the top killer questions in A-Math as there are many things to prove in addition to the many lines, circles, triangles, angles ...
Read about the post I wrote earlier What you need to know to do well in Plane Geometry Part 1
I must admit this question almost drives me to insanity ;-) but luckily I saw the light when I was on the verge of sane and insanity ...
Question: Prove that a circle can be drawn passing through the points T,P,X and Q. [3 marks]
Let me know how you handle this question in the comments section. For those who wants the step by step solution, drop me a comment as well. I highly recommend that you think about this question first before asking for solution.
There are 2 strategies I have used to help me in this Plane Geometry question. Do you want to know? so that you can learn and use them in your own question.
Hint: You must use one of the properties of circles.
Update: Video solution Here