- Do you have problems writing a pair of similar triangles in the correct order?
- Do you have the correct strategies and approach to prove any congruent figures quickly and easily?
- Do you have problems understanding this topic on Similarity and Congruency because you think that you can't rotate the figures mentally while your classmates seem to have that 'power'?
- Do you have challenges in finding ratio of areas or volumes in Vectors, Mensuration?
- Is Similarity and Congruency simply just too much for your brain?
If your answer is yes, for any of the questions. I can help!
I have many students just like you! They dislike this topic as it is visually challenging for them, the concepts are being tested again and again in other E-Maths topics, they don't know how to apply what they have learnt to questions!
All your problems can be solved!
During the March Holidays, I'm conducting the Similarity & Congruency Mastery Workshop and this is what you will learn:
- the tests for proving similarity or congruency
- the dummy-proof way to name a pair of similar or congruent figures quickly and easily (without any mental rotation required)
- the way to understand ratio of area or volume of similar figures (instead of just rote memorization)
- putting basic concepts into application (extremely important for students who want to score ‘A’ for Maths)
To find out if you require this workshop, I have prepared a Pre-Review [Download here] for you to work on. It takes 15 minutes and answers are provided for you to check against your solution.
For Secondary 4 students, this workshop will prepare you for your GCE 'O' Levels E-Maths exams in 8 months time!
For Secondary 3 (Secondary 1-2 included) students, you're most welcome to attend too!
Online Register here.
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