Recently, during the Chinese New Year period, I saw many people queuing up at Singapore Pools. For readers from other countries, Singapore Pools is like a betting station for lottery and sports. It was around the same period in which I was preparing to start teaching Probability to my Secondary 4 Elementary Maths students.
I decided to share with them on the probability of winning a number as a teaser to the topic. I did a poster and shared it on my Facebook. I was humbled by the response - the poster was shared 29 times!
I believe the 'truth of winning' relates well to many people.
Details of a 4D game:
- There are a total of 23 winning numbers which consist of 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes, 10 starter prizes and 10 consolation prizes.
- You may choose any 4 digit numbers from 0000 to 9999.
- The following poster shows that to win any prize, the chance is a mere 0.23%
How often do we fall into the trap of greed, thinking that we can be lucky one day and win some money? In the end, who is the big winner? I'm sure you have the answer.
Whether you are a parent or student, I hope this blog post has shed some light on winning 4D game through the application of Maths in everyday life.
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