(The LAST workshop for 'O' Level)


From: Desk of Ai Ling, Ong

Dear Students & Parents,

Do you know that Differentiation & Integration are 2 very important sections for O Level A-Math? Based on 2008 GCE O Level Additional Mathematics Papers, the weightage of Differentiation & Integration is almost 30%! We received feedback from students and parents that due to time constraint, many schools rush through these 2 very important topics, leaving many students totally lost in their understanding. This coupled with the fact that Differentiation & Integration are totally new concepts for all A-Math students, made matter worst.

So with less than 7 weeks to GCE O Levels  is your child equip with the tools and strategies to score in Differentiation & Integration or is he facing the following problems?

Here's what I have:

In June 2009, we ran a 4 days A-Math Differentiation & Integration Mastery Workshop and received very positive response. This September, we are re-running this workshop to help as many students to master and score in their O Level A-Math  exams.

In this workshop, your child will learn:

bullet Comprehensive 100% coverage of Differentiation & Integration
bullet Understand abstract concepts in an easy to relate manner
bullet Learn and Apply strategies ('approved' short-cuts) on real examination questions
bullet Time management enforced during every workshop
bullet Pre & Post review assessment for checking level of understanding

Scope of the workshop:

Skills In Differentiation:

  • Basic Techniques of Differentiation
  • Differentiation involving trigonometrical functions
  • Differentiation involving exponential & ln functions

Applications In Differentiation:

  • Equations of Tangent & Normal
  • Connected Rate of Changes
  • Increasing & Decreasing Functions
  • Maxima & Minima Problems

Skills In Integration:

  • Basic Techniques of Integration
  • Integration involving trigonometrical functions
  • Integration involving exponential & ln functions

Applications In Integration:

  • Hence question (reversed differentiation)
  • Equation of curve
  • Area under the curve
  • Kinematics

About The Trainer, Ai Ling Ong



Your child will learn through high impact processes, experiential exercises, focused learning, case studies and accelerated learning techniques all of which are personally trained by Ai Ling, Ong – Top Math Coach with over 10 years of teaching experience in helping hundreds of students from over 70 schools to achieve the breakthrough in their Math results. She is also the author of O level A-Math Topical Real Exam Questions Book.



List of over 70 schools our students are from:

Hear what some of our participants have said about our workshops:

Here's what you need to do:

4 Days 'O' Level A-Math Differentiation & Integration Mastery Workshop


5, 12, 19 & 26 September 2009 (Saturday)
Time 2 pm - 6 pm
Venue                 YMCA Orchard  
(Dhoby Ghaut MRT; Opposite Cathay Picturehouse Cinema)
Early Bird Price
(Closes on 1st Sep 09)
S$760  S$560 (Save $200)

Register for 'O' Level A-Math Differentiation & Integration Mastery Workshop NOW!



visit : http://www.singaporeolevelmaths.com/signup
email : admin@singaporeolevelmaths.com
call : 9685 7675 / 9828 7357

See you at the workshop!

Master Trainer & Founder

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